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Shell İLERİDE Youth Social Investment Program
The objective of Shell İLERİDE Youth Social Investment Program, launched in 2023 in cooperation with the new generation learning initiative ‘Bilim Virüsü’, is to enable that students in the 2nd and 3rd grade of universities acquire new century competences and to support their preparedness for the business world. At the end of the program, which consists of a Learning Module, Business Simulation Module and Project Design Module, participants are encouraged to come up with innovative solutions on social issues.
100 university students came together with expert trainers and joined eight training sessions including design-oriented thinking, creativity and innovation, presentation and storytelling, analytical thinking, learning to learn, communication and teamwork, sustainability competences and digital competences in the first year of the program. They had a chance to solve real problems in the business life through Business Simulation. In the Project Design Module, participants formed teams and designed their own projects in Accessible and Clean Energy, Reduced Inequalities, Sustainable Cities and Communities as well as Climate Action out of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Financial seed support was provided for the implementation of three projects selected by the jury at the end of the program. İLERİDE Program will continue in 2024.

Blocks for Hope Project
Turcas Petrol is among the institutional supporters of the ‘Blocks for Hope’ project, which was built for earthquake victims on the campus of Mustafa Kemal University in Hatay with the support of the JAV and volunteer businessmen. In the medium term, the project will offer housing, education, psychological support, sports, entrepreneurship support and vocational trainings to citizens affected by the earthquake. In the long term, this project will be used as a dormitory for university students. We will continue to act with a sense of responsibility toward our society & environment and also actively participating in valuable projects.

DEIK Yaşam Kenti Project
Turcas Petrol has made a container donation to the DEIK Yaşam Kenti project initiated by the Foreign Economic Relations Board in the Elbistan district of Kahramanmaraş after the earthquake that affected 11 provinces on February 6, 2023. This project, consisting of 1,000 containers built to meet the housing needs of our citizens affected by the earthquake, was completed within 3 months. We will continue to contribute to projects that create benefits and develop new initiatives with an awareness of our responsibility towards the society we live in.