Special Book Reflecting The Past Of 80 Years
The life story of the Company of which the foundations were set up only 8 years from the establishment of the Republic of Turkey (1931), in parallel with the economic developments together with the stories of the Founders is told in the Book “Enerji Dolu 80 Yıl” [80 Years of Full Energy].
The book reflects the important economic, social and political decisions adopted and the stories of the Founders, managers, personnel of the Company inside the events experienced in our country in 80 years since the establishment of the Republic in a very plain language. The reader will find examples of important and good decisions and how they were adopted to secure survival of a company within the years.
The book was created by Dr. Murat Koraltürk, an Economy historian, an academician supported by as the adviser, Osman S. Arolat, journalist-researcher author. During two years’ research process, in which hundreds of documents were scanned and searched, live interviews were conducted with important names concerning the history of the company. For instance, the book contains interviews with founder family members, Doğan Bolak, Betül Mardin, Ümit Boyner as well as senior personnel and members of the boards of directors. Thus, the reader can have an important resource concerning the life story and survival of a company.
Erdal Aksoy, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Turcas states in the Introduction part of the book entitled “Enerji Dolu 80 Yıl” ‘Our Company left 82 years behind. This is unique for a company in Turkish Economic History. We are glad and proud of this. By grasping this opportunity, we present this book of an accounting of the first eighty years to you, our friends. I used the term ‘first eighty years, as I wish Turcas many eighty years more.”
Aksoy added that Turcas achieved being one of the important elements of the growing economy and in the process continued until today since 1931, she became a company cooperating the international big actors of the energy sector in globalized world, this being the success of Turkey apart from the success of Turcas. Mr Aksoy underlined and stressed that through co-operations and new projects, Turcas will continue to be an important gate of Turkish economy opening to the abroad.
Dr. Murat Koraltürk, the author, states in the Introduction section of the book, that “Erdal Aksoy, the President, supported us in preparing the book however abstained and was very careful during research and penning of the book to direct me and the research team for fear that the book will be a book telling the history of Turcas with her own eyes. Due to such freedom of activity during preparation, I hope that the book will be of great help to those who are interested in the history of not only Turcas but the Energy Sector and Turkish Economy.”
The book “ENERJİ DOLU 80 YIL” is 254 pages, having a wrapper on it. In addition, the book is presented to the reader in red box. Additionally, the book is presented in institutional web page of the company (www.turcas.com.tr).